[alsa-devel] Alsa-OSS Duplex bug (revisited)

About a year ago I posted an explaination of the cause of non-functioning with Alsa-OSS in duplex, together with a workaround patch. After some discussion the thread ended. However since then there has been a steady trickle of downloads of the patches from my host (it can also be found elsewhere) and some reports of great success,eg
http://audacityteam.org/forum/thread/1388 (2nd page especially)
In attempting to tidy up some loose ends, I hope you can bear with me revisiting this and making the case for it's acceptance. I am aware the Alsa-OSS is not of much interest to developers, and it might be said 'use native Alsa'; however that is not possible or desirable in all applications, and anyway, why provide an OSS emulation that cannot be made to work properly?
To summarise the problem first:
OSS provides a single SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS ioctl; where a device is duplex the number of capture and playback channels cannot be set separately. With original OSS this was not a problem AFAIK because separate devices are created for capture and playback, ie they are not used duplex. However Alsa-OSS in most cases creates a single combined device, which only operates correctly when an equal number of capture and playback channels are used.
The Workaround:
The workaround I proposed and now use constantly is like a secret trapdoor. Where the existing interface is adequate (ie captue channels == playback channels, or non-duplex) nothing changes, and SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS is set with a number between 0 and 128. It is fully compatible with apps that don't know of the secret door -the front door is used!
However, if an app needs to set capture channels != playback channels, in duplex, at present the stream will malfunction every time. But with this patch applied, if the app knows the workaround, then it can simply set SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS as playback + 256*capture channels, and this will be interpreted correctly in the patched Alsa-OSS and the stream functions correctly.
As I say, there is therefore no loss of compatibility in either direction. Providing the app only uses the special formula when necessary rather than always, it is only providing a way to fix something that is broken. It would seem to me of value to add the patch to Alsa so that the workaround can be effected by changes to the app only, without also having to patch and compile a replacement Alsa. Whilst it is by no means ideal, it does overcome the underlying problem successfully. Details of the workaround could be added to the OSS-Emulation.html document.
Patch for 1.0.14rc4 is attached for consideration, together with example portaudio patch.
Regards Alan

At Sun, 27 May 2007 23:23:13 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
About a year ago I posted an explaination of the cause of non-functioning with Alsa-OSS in duplex, together with a workaround patch. After some discussion the thread ended. However since then there has been a steady trickle of downloads of the patches from my host (it can also be found elsewhere) and some reports of great success,eg
http://audacityteam.org/forum/thread/1388 (2nd page especially)
In attempting to tidy up some loose ends, I hope you can bear with me revisiting this and making the case for it's acceptance. I am aware the Alsa-OSS is not of much interest to developers, and it might be said 'use native Alsa'; however that is not possible or desirable in all applications, and anyway, why provide an OSS emulation that cannot be made to work properly?
To summarise the problem first:
OSS provides a single SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS ioctl; where a device is duplex the number of capture and playback channels cannot be set separately. With original OSS this was not a problem AFAIK because separate devices are created for capture and playback, ie they are not used duplex. However Alsa-OSS in most cases creates a single combined device, which only operates correctly when an equal number of capture and playback channels are used.
The Workaround:
The workaround I proposed and now use constantly is like a secret trapdoor. Where the existing interface is adequate (ie captue channels == playback channels, or non-duplex) nothing changes, and SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS is set with a number between 0 and 128. It is fully compatible with apps that don't know of the secret door -the front door is used!
However, if an app needs to set capture channels != playback channels, in duplex, at present the stream will malfunction every time. But with this patch applied, if the app knows the workaround, then it can simply set SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS as playback + 256*capture channels, and this will be interpreted correctly in the patched Alsa-OSS and the stream functions correctly.
As I say, there is therefore no loss of compatibility in either direction. Providing the app only uses the special formula when necessary rather than always, it is only providing a way to fix something that is broken. It would seem to me of value to add the patch to Alsa so that the workaround can be effected by changes to the app only, without also having to patch and compile a replacement Alsa. Whilst it is by no means ideal, it does overcome the underlying problem successfully. Details of the workaround could be added to the OSS-Emulation.html document.
Patch for 1.0.14rc4 is attached for consideration, together with example portaudio patch.
Thanks for the patch. I see how you struggled with this problem.
Well, this is a bit hard problem to decide which to go. While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
So, I'm not fully convinced by this change yet.
OK, let's whip this dead horse again.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
Are these feasible?

On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, you wrote:
At Sun, 27 May 2007 23:23:13 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
Patch for 1.0.14rc4 is attached for consideration, together with example portaudio patch.
Thanks for the patch. I see how you struggled with this problem.
Thanks for giving this some consideration...
Well, this is a bit hard problem to decide which to go. While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
Do you mean in that ioctls in general are not meant to work like that, in effect passing 2 numbers rather than one?
So, I'm not fully convinced by this change yet.
OK, let's whip this dead horse again.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device? That would remove the problem, I think.
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
Do you mean O_RDONLY first, set capture channels, then O_WRONLY and set playback channels before finally O_RDWR in such a way that the previous values are retained? This sounds tricky to implement depending on the apps code structure, but might be effective.
Are these feasible?
The advantage of my proposal is that the ioctl value is a simple integer, and can pass between functions as a parameter, or be part of a varible structure in just the same way as the present channels number. Therefore changes to the app are very small (portaudio is just one example).
What is frustrating is that the Alsa-OSS stream is fine in duplex with variable numbers of channels, but it is simply the lack of a way to pass the two numbers to the stream since the OSS ioctl only has one number. If two had been used originally, all would be fine!

Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, you wrote:
While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
Do you mean in that ioctls in general are not meant to work like that, in effect passing 2 numbers rather than one?
No, packing two values into one numbers is done with other ioctls too, e.g., SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT.
The problem I see is that your patch changes the OSS API in a way that is incompatible with every implementation other than ALSA's. The whole purpose of providing the OSS API in the first place is to be compatible with other implementations.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device?
No; just a way to disable DSP_CAP_DUPLEX and/or SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX. When these do not work, applications are forced to open the playback and capture devices separately, e.g.:
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
Regards, Clemens

At Wed, 30 May 2007 08:47:14 +0200, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, you wrote:
While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
Do you mean in that ioctls in general are not meant to work like that, in effect passing 2 numbers rather than one?
No, packing two values into one numbers is done with other ioctls too, e.g., SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT.
The problem I see is that your patch changes the OSS API in a way that is incompatible with every implementation other than ALSA's. The whole purpose of providing the OSS API in the first place is to be compatible with other implementations.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device?
No; just a way to disable DSP_CAP_DUPLEX and/or SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX. When these do not work, applications are forced to open the playback and capture devices separately, e.g.:
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
I thought of a similar hack but it seems that many apps don't check / set DUPLEX capability. So, this might not work on many apps.
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
Right. For example, in the case of audacity, the change would be like the following patch (untested).
--- lib-src/portaudio/pa_unix_oss/pa_unix.c-dist 2007-05-30 17:52:10.000000000 +0200 +++ lib-src/portaudio/pa_unix_oss/pa_unix.c 2007-05-30 18:22:09.000000000 +0200 @@ -720,12 +720,45 @@ int Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( int framesPerBu }
/*******************************************************************/ + +static int do_open(internalPortAudioDevice *pad, int flags, int verbose) +{ + int fd = open(pad->pad_DeviceName, flags); + if (fd < 0) + { + if (verbose) + ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for %s\n", + pad->pad_DeviceName, + (flags == O_RDONLY ? "O_RDONLY" : + (flags == O_WRONLY ? "O_WRONLY" : "O_RDWR")))); + } + return fd; +} + +static int open_device(internalPortAudioDevice *pad, int flags, int verbose) +{ + int fd; + + /* dmazzoni: test it first in nonblocking mode to + make sure the device is not busy */ + fd = do_open(pad->pad_DeviceName, flags|O_NONBLOCK, verbose); + if (fd < 0) + return BAD_DEVICE_ID; + close(fd); + + fd = do_open(pad->pad_DeviceName, flags, verbose); + if (fd < 0) + return BAD_DEVICE_ID; + return fd; +} + PaError PaHost_OpenStream( internalPortAudioStream *past ) { PaError result = paNoError; PaHostSoundControl *pahsc; unsigned int minNumBuffers; internalPortAudioDevice *pad; + int full_duplex; DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream() called.\n" ));
/* Allocate and initialize host data. */ @@ -778,102 +811,89 @@ PaError PaHost_OpenStream( internalPortA
/* ------------------------- OPEN DEVICE -----------------------*/
- /* just output */ - if (past->past_OutputDeviceID == past->past_InputDeviceID) - { - - if ((past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) && (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) ) - { - pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_OutputDeviceID ); - DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_RDWR\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - - /* dmazzoni: test it first in nonblocking mode to - make sure the device is not busy */ - pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); - if(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_RDWR\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - close(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle); - - pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = - open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_RDWR); - if(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_RDWR\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, - past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, - past->past_NumOutputChannels ); - result = Pa_SetupDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, - past->past_NumOutputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); - } - } + if (past->past_OutputDeviceID == past->past_InputDeviceID && + past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0 && + past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) + full_duplex = 1; else + full_duplex = 0; + + /* try to open each direction separately, at first */ + if (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) { - if (past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) - { - pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_OutputDeviceID ); - DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_WRONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - /* dmazzoni: test it first in nonblocking mode to - make sure the device is not busy */ - pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK); - if(pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_WRONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - close(pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle); - - pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_WRONLY); - if(pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_WRONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, - past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, - past->past_NumOutputChannels ); - result = Pa_SetupOutputDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, - past->past_NumOutputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); - } + pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_OutputDeviceID ); + DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_WRONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); + pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = open_device(pad, O_WRONLY, + !full_duplex); + if (pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle < 0) + { + result = paHostError; + goto check_duplex; + } + Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, + past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, + past->past_NumOutputChannels ); + result = Pa_SetupOutputDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, + past->past_NumOutputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); + if (result < 0) + { + close(pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle); + pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = BAD_DEVICE_ID; + goto check_duplex; + } + } + + if (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) + { + pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_InputDeviceID ); + + DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_RDONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); + pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = open_device(pad, O_RDONLY, + !full_duplex); + if (pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle < 0) + { + result = paHostError; + goto check_duplex; + } + Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle, /* DH20010115 - was OutputHandle! */ + past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, + past->past_NumInputChannels ); + result = Pa_SetupInputDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle, + past->past_NumInputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); + if (result < 0) + { + close(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle); + pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = BAD_DEVICE_ID; + goto check_duplex; + } + } + + check_duplex: + /* if opening one of the direction fails for full-duplex, + * try to open a single device with O_RDWR + */ + if (full_duplex && + (phasc->phasc_OutputHandle < 0 || phasc->phasc_InputHandle < 0)) + { + pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_OutputDeviceID ); + DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_RDWR\n", pad->pad_DeviceName ));
- if (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) - { - pad = Pa_GetInternalDevice( past->past_InputDeviceID ); - DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: attempt to open %s for O_RDONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - /* dmazzoni: test it first in nonblocking mode to - make sure the device is not busy */ - pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); - if(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_RDONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - close(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle); - - pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle = open(pad->pad_DeviceName,O_RDONLY); - if(pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle==-1) - { - ERR_RPT(("PaHost_OpenStream: could not open %s for O_RDONLY\n", pad->pad_DeviceName )); - result = paHostError; - goto error; - } - Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle, /* DH20010115 - was OutputHandle! */ - past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, - past->past_NumInputChannels ); - result = Pa_SetupInputDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_InputHandle, - past->past_NumInputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); - } + pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle = open_device(pad, O_RDWR, 1); + if (phasc->pahsc_OutputHandle < 0) + { + result = paHostError; + goto error; + } + phasc->phasc_InputHandle = phasc->phasc_OutputHandle; + Pa_SetLatency( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, + past->past_NumUserBuffers, past->past_FramesPerUserBuffer, + past->past_NumOutputChannels ); + result = Pa_SetupDeviceFormat( pahsc->pahsc_OutputHandle, + past->past_NumOutputChannels, (int)past->past_SampleRate ); + } - + if (result < 0) + goto error;
DBUG(("PaHost_OpenStream: SUCCESS - result = %d\n", result )); return result;

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 18:05, Takashi wrote:
At Wed, 30 May 2007 08:47:14 +0200,
Clemens Ladisch wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, Takashi wrote:
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device?
No; just a way to disable DSP_CAP_DUPLEX and/or SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX. When these do not work, applications are forced to open the playback and capture devices separately, e.g.:
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
So are you saying that the same device can reliably be opened both O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY -AT THE SAME TIME but with different numbers of channels? That is a bit counter-intuitive given the ONLY part, but if true would probably provide a workable solution.
I thought of a similar hack but it seems that many apps don't check / set DUPLEX capability. So, this might not work on many apps.
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
But note that the 4front OSS creates lots of devices -see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/oss_devices.html so they can be opened sparately always.
Right. For example, in the case of audacity, the change would be like the following patch (untested).
Well I quickly hacked something similar to try, and did seem to be able to open input_handle and output_handle separately, and have Audacity 'Duplex recording' so that could be fine. I will do more testing and report back!

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, you wrote:
While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
Do you mean in that ioctls in general are not meant to work like that, in effect passing 2 numbers rather than one?
No, packing two values into one numbers is done with other ioctls too, e.g., SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT.
The problem I see is that your patch changes the OSS API in a way that is incompatible with every implementation other than ALSA's. The whole purpose of providing the OSS API in the first place is to be compatible with other implementations.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device?
No; just a way to disable DSP_CAP_DUPLEX and/or SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX. When these do not work, applications are forced to open the playback and capture devices separately, e.g.:
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Whereas what is being suggested here is to open /dev/dsp twice simultaneously, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY which 4Front definitely doesn't propose.
The crutial point is that Alsa-OSS at present isn't really compatible with 4Front etc BECAUSE they implement separate NON-duplex devices for each capture and playback channel pair, whereas Alsa-OSS just has one, duplex! If for example I use the 4Front driver for my DMX6fire, then (-see: http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/oss_devices.html)
I would have 11 non-duplex devices, which can be opened separately to record and play to the card without the channels-set problem. With Alsa-OSS I have just one! Even if Alsa-OSS had just the 'all outputs' and 'all inputs' devices that would be fine.
It seems odd that an OSS emulated device is provided to an audio card that could have differing numbers of capture and playback channels, eg 4 capture and 2 playback, but it is impossible to set 4C and 2P when opening it for simultaneous capture and playback. The underlying stream has no problem with doing so, it is just there is no way to pass the numbers. My workaround is to solve an incompatibility that already exists. It seems 4Front avoids this by creating non-duplex devices. The patch extends the functionality of the ioctl in a way that only Alsa-OSS may need, (or perhaps all OSS should adopt?).

At Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:25 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:55, you wrote:
While I see the advantage by your hack (small and backward compatible), I feel that it's too hackish -- it introduces an incompatible way of the existing ioctl.
Do you mean in that ioctls in general are not meant to work like that, in effect passing 2 numbers rather than one?
No, packing two values into one numbers is done with other ioctls too, e.g., SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT.
The problem I see is that your patch changes the OSS API in a way that is incompatible with every implementation other than ALSA's. The whole purpose of providing the OSS API in the first place is to be compatible with other implementations.
After a quick thought, another possible fix would be to let apps open each direction separately. For that,
- add some way to make the given PCM stream to non-fullduplex (proc or module options?)
Are you thinking that if an option were set, Alsa-OSS would create separate devices for capture and playback rather than a single duplex device?
No; just a way to disable DSP_CAP_DUPLEX and/or SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX. When these do not work, applications are forced to open the playback and capture devices separately, e.g.:
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Whereas what is being suggested here is to open /dev/dsp twice simultaneously, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY which 4Front definitely doesn't propose.
The crutial point is that Alsa-OSS at present isn't really compatible with 4Front etc BECAUSE they implement separate NON-duplex devices for each capture and playback channel pair, whereas Alsa-OSS just has one, duplex! If for example I use the 4Front driver for my DMX6fire, then (-see: http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/oss_devices.html)
I would have 11 non-duplex devices, which can be opened separately to record and play to the card without the channels-set problem. With Alsa-OSS I have just one! Even if Alsa-OSS had just the 'all outputs' and 'all inputs' devices that would be fine.
Well, I'd say that the current ALSA-OSS implementation _is_ compatible to OSS API. What they do is also a pure hack, as you know, just a workaround because the API doesn't provide the functionality properly for full-duplex with multi-channels. The solution might be different, but it's not the question about "compatibility".
It seems odd that an OSS emulated device is provided to an audio card that could have differing numbers of capture and playback channels, eg 4 capture and 2 playback, but it is impossible to set 4C and 2P when opening it for simultaneous capture and playback. The underlying stream has no problem with doing so, it is just there is no way to pass the numbers. My workaround is to solve an incompatibility that already exists. It seems 4Front avoids this by creating non-duplex devices. The patch extends the functionality of the ioctl in a way that only Alsa-OSS may need, (or perhaps all OSS should adopt?).
The problem is that your patch introduces a real "incompatibility", because it's an extension. That is what I don't like. And, in your way, you'll have to change _both_ kernel and apps.
Following this thread, I come to believe that the problem with audacity is actually the application problem. It tries to open a full-duplex device with different number of channels for both directions. It cannot work because it's not defined in API. OTOH, if the number of channels are same for both directions, it should work with O_RDWR.
So, the fix would be simply like below...
--- lib-src/portaudio/pa_unix_oss/pa_unix.c-dist 2007-05-30 17:52:10.000000000 +0200 +++ lib-src/portaudio/pa_unix_oss/pa_unix.c 2007-06-01 11:51:35.000000000 +0200 @@ -779,7 +779,8 @@ PaError PaHost_OpenStream( internalPortA /* ------------------------- OPEN DEVICE -----------------------*/
/* just output */ - if (past->past_OutputDeviceID == past->past_InputDeviceID) + if (past->past_OutputDeviceID == past->past_InputDeviceID && + past->past_NumOutputChannels == past->past_NumInputChannels) {
if ((past->past_NumOutputChannels > 0) && (past->past_NumInputChannels > 0) )

On Friday 01 June 2007 10:56, you wrote:
At Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:25 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
<< Edited snippets >>
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Well, I'd say that the current ALSA-OSS implementation _is_ compatible to OSS API. What they do is also a pure hack, as you know, just a workaround because the API doesn't provide the functionality properly for full-duplex with multi-channels. The solution might be different, but it's not the question about "compatibility".
Following this thread, I come to believe that the problem with audacity is actually the application problem. It tries to open a full-duplex device with different number of channels for both directions. It cannot work because it's not defined in API. OTOH, if the number of channels are same for both directions, it should work with O_RDWR.
Thanks for sticking with it so far -hopefully we are moving towards a conclusion so that the result is a definitive recommendation for how to solve the problem of the OSS API limitation.
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Provided this is so, the recommendation then for duplex as I understand it is:- a) where the format and no.channels is the same in each direction, use input_handle = output_handle = open("device", O_RDWR)
b) where the 2 directions have different format or no.channels use input_handle = open("device", O_RDONLY) output_handle = open("device", O_WRONLY)
since a) may improve compatibility with other OSS's but b) is necessary due to the limitations of the OSS API, whether or not it works with other OSS's.

Alan Horstmann wrote:
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Yes; yes.
This is the _only_ way. If the hardware supports it, any driver (not only ALSA) has no choice but to support this.
Regards, Clemens

On Monday 04 June 2007 09:45, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Yes; yes.
This is the _only_ way. If the hardware supports it, any driver (not only ALSA) has no choice but to support this.
Thanks Clemens for confirming that, and your earlier inputs.

At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 20:55:27 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Friday 01 June 2007 10:56, you wrote:
At Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:25 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
<< Edited snippets >>
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
- change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Well, I'd say that the current ALSA-OSS implementation _is_ compatible to OSS API. What they do is also a pure hack, as you know, just a workaround because the API doesn't provide the functionality properly for full-duplex with multi-channels. The solution might be different, but it's not the question about "compatibility".
Following this thread, I come to believe that the problem with audacity is actually the application problem. It tries to open a full-duplex device with different number of channels for both directions. It cannot work because it's not defined in API. OTOH, if the number of channels are same for both directions, it should work with O_RDWR.
Thanks for sticking with it so far -hopefully we are moving towards a conclusion so that the result is a definitive recommendation for how to solve the problem of the OSS API limitation.
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Yes, although I didn't confirm it. If it doesn't work, we should really fix it. The dirrerent sample rates should work, too, because they are different streams.
Provided this is so, the recommendation then for duplex as I understand it is:- a) where the format and no.channels is the same in each direction, use input_handle = output_handle = open("device", O_RDWR)
b) where the 2 directions have different format or no.channels use input_handle = open("device", O_RDONLY) output_handle = open("device", O_WRONLY)
since a) may improve compatibility with other OSS's but b) is necessary due to the limitations of the OSS API, whether or not it works with other OSS's.
Exactly. But, remember that the solution for this kind of problems must be practical - if the theory above isn't true for the practice, it's of course useless :)

On Monday 04 June 2007 09:50, you wrote:
At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 20:55:27 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Friday 01 June 2007 10:56, you wrote:
At Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:25 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
<< Edited snippets >>
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
> - change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY > and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Well, I'd say that the current ALSA-OSS implementation _is_ compatible to OSS API. What they do is also a pure hack, as you know, just a workaround because the API doesn't provide the functionality properly for full-duplex with multi-channels. The solution might be different, but it's not the question about "compatibility".
Following this thread, I come to believe that the problem with audacity is actually the application problem. It tries to open a full-duplex device with different number of channels for both directions. It cannot work because it's not defined in API. OTOH, if the number of channels are same for both directions, it should work with O_RDWR.
Thanks for sticking with it so far -hopefully we are moving towards a conclusion so that the result is a definitive recommendation for how to solve the problem of the OSS API limitation.
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Yes, although I didn't confirm it. If it doesn't work, we should really fix it. The dirrerent sample rates should work, too, because they are different streams.
Provided this is so, the recommendation then for duplex as I understand it is:- a) where the format and no.channels is the same in each direction, use input_handle = output_handle = open("device", O_RDWR)
b) where the 2 directions have different format or no.channels use input_handle = open("device", O_RDONLY) output_handle = open("device", O_WRONLY)
since a) may improve compatibility with other OSS's but b) is necessary due to the limitations of the OSS API, whether or not it works with other OSS's.
Exactly. But, remember that the solution for this kind of problems must be practical - if the theory above isn't true for the practice, it's of course useless :)
Confirm it is working on my system apparently OK.
I will now take this up with portaudio/audacity, and provide substitute patches on the known postings that relate to this, so there is some consistency.
Might it be worth adding a paragraph to 'OSS-Emulation.txt' (or.html), eg as below? Apart from that I will close off on this issue now!
Thanks again
Duplex Streams ============
When attempting to use a single device file for playback and capture, the OSS API provides no way to set the format, sample rate or number of channels different in each direction. Thus io_handle = open("device", O_RDWR) will only function correctly if the values are the same in each direction.
To use different values in the two directions, use both input_handle = open("device", O_RDONLY) output_handle = open("device", O_WRONLY) and set the values for the corresponding handle.

At Mon, 4 Jun 2007 12:53:06 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Monday 04 June 2007 09:50, you wrote:
At Sun, 3 Jun 2007 20:55:27 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Friday 01 June 2007 10:56, you wrote:
At Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:25 +0100,
Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Wednesday 30 May 2007 07:47, you wrote:
Alan Horstmann wrote:
<< Edited snippets >>
fd_playback = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY); fd_capture = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY);
> > - change portaudio to open each direction separately, O_RDONLY > > and O_WRONLY at first, then use O_RDWR as fallback
This would be the preferred way. After all, this is the only way that is possible with the existing OSS API when you want to use different sample formats, and it is recommended in all cases (see http://manuals.opensound.com/developer/full_duplex.html).
My reading of the 4Front info is different. I read that they recommend best opening SEPARATE devices, one O_RDONLY and the other O_WRONLY, in their scheme called 'twodevice'. It also states in fulldup.c:-
"... The one device full duplex scheme requires that the device file is opened with O_RDWR."
Well, I'd say that the current ALSA-OSS implementation _is_ compatible to OSS API. What they do is also a pure hack, as you know, just a workaround because the API doesn't provide the functionality properly for full-duplex with multi-channels. The solution might be different, but it's not the question about "compatibility".
Following this thread, I come to believe that the problem with audacity is actually the application problem. It tries to open a full-duplex device with different number of channels for both directions. It cannot work because it's not defined in API. OTOH, if the number of channels are same for both directions, it should work with O_RDWR.
Thanks for sticking with it so far -hopefully we are moving towards a conclusion so that the result is a definitive recommendation for how to solve the problem of the OSS API limitation.
So that there is no misunderstanding, are you willing to confirm that, as far as Alsa-OSS goes, opening both input_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY) and output_handle = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY) at the same time is a reliable way to open the device bi-directional, enabling different sample formats and/or numbers of channels to be set? (Actually, I am curious whether different sample rates would also work?)
Yes, although I didn't confirm it. If it doesn't work, we should really fix it. The dirrerent sample rates should work, too, because they are different streams.
Provided this is so, the recommendation then for duplex as I understand it is:- a) where the format and no.channels is the same in each direction, use input_handle = output_handle = open("device", O_RDWR)
b) where the 2 directions have different format or no.channels use input_handle = open("device", O_RDONLY) output_handle = open("device", O_WRONLY)
since a) may improve compatibility with other OSS's but b) is necessary due to the limitations of the OSS API, whether or not it works with other OSS's.
Exactly. But, remember that the solution for this kind of problems must be practical - if the theory above isn't true for the practice, it's of course useless :)
Confirm it is working on my system apparently OK.
I will now take this up with portaudio/audacity, and provide substitute patches on the known postings that relate to this, so there is some consistency.
Thanks, that'll be helpful.
Might it be worth adding a paragraph to 'OSS-Emulation.txt' (or.html), eg as below? Apart from that I will close off on this issue now!
Looks fine. Could you make a patch?

On Monday 04 June 2007 13:21, you wrote:
At Mon, 4 Jun 2007 12:53:06 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
Might it be worth adding a paragraph to 'OSS-Emulation.txt' (or.html), eg as below? Apart from that I will close off on this issue now!
Looks fine. Could you make a patch?
Patch attached and also for your html version in case useful.
Also just in case -signed-off etc though the content is from yourselves anyway.
Add paragraph to the OSS document to clarify correct use of duplex streams.
Signed-off-by: Alan Horstmann gineera@aspect135.co.uk

At Mon, 4 Jun 2007 21:42:10 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
On Monday 04 June 2007 13:21, you wrote:
At Mon, 4 Jun 2007 12:53:06 +0100, Alan Horstmann wrote:
Might it be worth adding a paragraph to 'OSS-Emulation.txt' (or.html), eg as below? Apart from that I will close off on this issue now!
Looks fine. Could you make a patch?
Patch attached and also for your html version in case useful.
Also just in case -signed-off etc though the content is from yourselves anyway.
Add paragraph to the OSS document to clarify correct use of duplex streams.
Signed-off-by: Alan Horstmann gineera@aspect135.co.uk
Thanks, I applied it now.
participants (3)
Alan Horstmann
Clemens Ladisch
Takashi Iwai