[alsa-devel] Donation of ARM CubieTruck to anyone interested in developing
My name is Alexey, and I'm interested in having ARM CubieTruck hardware well supported by desktop (KDE) use.
CubieTruck is an ARM mini-PC aka "Liliputer", based on AllWinner A20 SoC + 2 GB RAM + 8 GB flash + VGA (!) port + SATA + Ethernet + WiFi, making it good enough for a real Debian desktop.
CubieTruck http://cubietruck.com/collections/frontpage/products/cubietruck-cubieboard3-...
My goal: It should have a working 2D, HD Video and 3D graphics as well as audio and networking.
Some open-source drivers exist: *2D - xf86-video-fbturbo - link: https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-fbturbo *Hardware Video Decoder - "CedarX" link: http://linux-sunxi.org/Reverse_Engineering/Cedar_Status (should play H.264 and WebM/VP8 Full HD 1080p video) *3D - open-source Lima or closed-source Mali drivers.
WiFi + Bluetooth - status unknown. (WiFi firmware is probably closed source)
If you can - please help stabilize those experimental drivers, especially sound driver is semi-broken.
I can donate one ARM CubieTruck sample to interested people. You'll need a proof of past patches to any open-source project or community involvement.
-- -Alexey Eromenko "Technologov". Open-source community member. Israel.
participants (1)
Alexey Eromenko