7 Dec
7 Dec
10:13 a.m.
Hi Jian Hong,
I call our agent guy @ WTMEC. Please modify as bellowing then test again. Remove EAPD control by hidden. If this modify patch was pass audio test, please regenerate patch to Takashi. If this patch will solve the speaker no sound issue, I think the model name maybe could rename to ALC294_FIXUP_ASUS_SPK. Because it doesn't relate with Noise.
.v.verbs = (const struct hda_verb[]) {
{ 0x20, AC_VERB_SET_COEF_INDEX, 0x40 },
{ 0x20, AC_VERB_SET_PROC_COEF, 0x8800 },
{ }
.chained = true,
Thanks for the help! I have tried the new verbs, and they work on the laptops. I am going to send the new patches.
Regards, Jian-Hong Pan