Thanks for information. Sorry for taking your time. I thought device will be able to work as audio interface because of following interview from NAMM 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHlSrLYslbQ
Cheers Pawel
2011/5/12 Daniel Mack zonque@gmail.com
Hi Pawel,
sorry for the long delay.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Pawel Siemienski pawel.siemienski@gmail.com wrote:
I am Ubuntu Studio user and I use also ALSA for driving my audio for recording etc... I have tested two devices with ALSA:
- Vox Tonelab ST - works with ALSA out of the box as USB audio interface
with no need of modifications, provides complete functionalities needed
recording and playing audio 2. Korg Pandora Mini - is detected as audio interface, but when selecting
information that no controls are available is displayed, this device can
work as audio interface in fact with Alsa.
The "Korg Pandora Mini" is no audio interface, according to both your lsusb dump and the Korg website. The device is described as "Ultra-compact pocket-size multi-effect designed for both guitar and bass "[1] and exposes only a MIDI interface on USB, presumably for controlling internal parameters, dumping the configuration etc. It specifically not an USB audio interface, and hence it can not be used in a way that you wanted to.
HTH, Daniel