At Mon, 02 Jul 2007 15:25:05 +0200, I wrote:
At Sat, 30 Jun 2007 16:23:38 -0400, J. Scott Merritt wrote:
Dear List,
Using SALSA-Lib 0.0.5 ...
After calling snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access with an access mode of SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_INTERLEAVED, the subsequent call to snd_pcm_hw_params returns a snd_strerror error code of "Invalid argument".
This same program operates properly in the target environment (ARM PXA270) when compiled and linked with the standard ALSA LIB 1.0.13.
Don't use mmap mode. It seems not supported well.
More words on MMAP: The snd_pcm_mmap_read/write*() are unsupported anyway, so it's no go if you used it.
Except for that, the _normal_ mmap using mmap-begin, commit, avail_update should work. The mmap-hw_params bug should have been fixed in version 0.0.6 release.