Hi Raymond,
Thanks for your assistance. I have mentioned previously that aplay works fine with alsaequal, my problem all along was getting it to load in Pulseaudio. Lennart took this discussion off-list, when a solution is forthcoming, or more info requirements, we'll bring it back here.
On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 14:40 +0800, Raymond Yau wrote:
Post the output of
aplay -v -Dplug:plugequal any.wav
AFAIK , ladspa plugin use float as Input and output
2009/9/9 Ng Oon-Ee ngoonee@gmail.com
Ah, the git download was quicker than I expected. I've tested it out, and the 'test' case shown above does work now, thanks.
Unfortunately the main root of my question was to use the 'alsaequal' plugin from http://www.thedigitalmachine.net/alsaequal.html which still does not work. Same error as previously.