Newby alert - but I don't know how to get this bug to the developers
I have been trying to work on a fix for Bug 1498129 - on Ubuntu
My USB soundcard is an Asus Xonar U7 Echelon Edition which identifies itself to alsa as "Xonar U7 Echelon Ed." The card is supported by alsa and works well in analog mode but I cannot get digital output via alsa.
It has iec958 as device 1 rather than device 0 and I can access digital output by referring to directly to hw:x,1 but cannot access digital output via alsa.
Attempts to change the iec958 device in USB-Audio.conf fail because of the period char and apparently my level of OS (Mint 17.3 based on Ubuntu 14.04, kernel 3.19.0-32) does not have alsa supporting USB vendorid:productid naming so I don't have a workaround.
If a patch exists, advice on applying/rebuilding alsa would be gratefully appreciated.