28 Jul
28 Jul
3:29 a.m.
On Sat, 20 Jul 2013, Knut Petersen wrote:
Summary: A very short period (about 45ms) garbage is played at the end of every playback.
Setup soundcards and cabling, execute "ecasound -t 2 -f:16,2,44100 -a:1 -i testin.wav -o alsahw,0,0 -a:2 -i alsahw,0,0 -o testout.wav"
this usage triggers multitrack recording mode in ecasound (ecasound will try to align recording of testin.wav to playout of testout.wav), and the symptoms sound like an issue with this mechanism.
I couldn't reproduce this with my setup (ice1712), so could you retry the test with "-z:notintbuf"? If the problem still persists, can you send me (may be large, so please send offline) logs when run with "-dd"?