Dne 07. 03. 21 v 21:03 Hans de Goede napsal(a):
Fix the following issues with the capture settings:
Disable ALC / Auto Level Control, it tries to always get an input signal even when the user is not talking into the mic leading to it cranking up the volume till there is noise at the same level as the user talking.
The 'ADC PGA Gain Volume' volume control is not the main 'ADC vol' control, it is the mic amplifier control and setting it to 10 sets it to 24dB not 0dB. Adjust the comment and set it to 7 which is 16dB which gives a good microphone signal strength without introducing too much noise (with 'ADC Capture Volume' set to 0dB).
There actually is a main 'ADC vol' control which goes from -96 to 0dB which is simply called the 'ADC Capture Volume' and when disabling ALC it defaults to -96 dB. Add a line setting it to 0dB.
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede hdegoede@redhat.com
Thank you. I applied all three patches from the set.
Note that it may be better to move the static control presets to the BootSequence, so the user can eventually fine tune them.