Dne 2.8.2018 v 22:03 Tobias Eklund napsal(a):
when trying to clock my terratec ews88d from an apogee rosetta AD it just won't. The s/pdif input works but the card won't lock to the s/pdif clock but rather stay at whatever setting it was at before i change to s/pdif in envy24control or mudita24.
I do not see any implementation of incoming rate monitoring in the EWS88D source code https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/c0da4fa0d1a54495d6055c009ac46b76d1da2... I do not think the driver covers these features.
If you want to add the functionality, look e.g. at how Juli does the incoming rate monitoring (juli.c, scheduled task in ak4114 https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/sound/i2c/other/ak4114.c#L617 ). Unfortunately the code for checking is rather complex.
With regards,