Hello list, from time to time I spend some time trying to get the mic working on a Macbook air 2,1. I tried looking at the relevant info from the corresponding kernel extensions on mac os X. The codec has "Vendor Id: 0x10ec0885" so the relevant part of the info.plist on mac os X reads
<dict> <key>MicAttributes</key> <integer>28</integer> <key>MicInfo</key> <string>Sampled on rising edge</string> <key>NodeID</key> <integer>39</integer> <key>PinConfigDefault</key> <integer>2426405136</integer> </dict>
Which tells me nothing. In particular I don't have a node 0x27=39 (at least not that hda-analyzer sees) so it's not surprising that if I send the corresponding verbs to set_config_default I don't get anything. Also, I don't see how setting the pinconfigdefault could affect my not having the mic working (anyway I tried setting those pinconfigdefaults that put the node as a fixed mic on all nids 0x19-0x1c to no avail)
As for the sampled on rising edge, I don't know how to use this info. any ideas?