Dne 14. 12. 20 v 18:12 Pierre-Louis Bossart napsal(a):
Hi Jaroslav,
Add main capture switch and main capture volume for callback to be in single operation.
Could you be more verbose, what you're trying to do in the patch description?
I see that it's just additional volume coupling functionality (one control, set all four output volume/switch registers, right?).
Some points:
- the separate volume controls don't send change events back to the user
space when the coupled capture settings is applied and versa vice - no sync 2) we have already virtual master API - sound/core/vmaster.c which should cover this requirement 3) I don't see the purpose for this coupling (the capture direction)
That was for UCM integration - agree the context was not well captured in the commit message
We have 'Capture Switch' and 'Capture Volume' statements that are required, and currently mistakenly set to SOF controls when they should be codec controls.
So when we have several possible inputs controls for the codec (ADC 07 or ADC 27) depending on the microphone settings, which one should be used in UCM?
We thought this would simplify the UCM integration by adding one generic control. If you have a better suggestion we are all ears.
So, it's for the microphone array with four microphones, right? Ideally there should be one multi-channel control exported to the user space with the exact number of the connected links in hardware. But I know, SoC has universal codec drivers which exports the functionality without the detailed knowledge of the controlled hardware.
For UCM (without one control for volume and switch), the situation is more difficult, because we need to export only one volume/switch control to the applications (abstract layer). I see the requirement to describe the more complex control mechanism. I have an idea to extend the alsa-lib (mixer interface) to allow this description via the alsa-lib configuration files which may be eventually part of the UCM configuration. The nice thing is that we can specify the custom mixer and control devices for PA already (my latest UCM updates in PA 14.0), so there's a room to improve things in the user space.
My suggestions are (pick one):
1) create one multichannel control and remove the stereo controls when the hardware is detected (no functionality dup) 2) create proper vmaster control like for HDA playback 3) wait until UCM can describe this hardware and set the DAC values manually to a sensible value via sequences (the specific hardware levels can be set using the conditions in UCM)
BTW: I see lack of analog volume level controls also for other SDW hardware (with the RT1308 amplifier). It's a bit pitty that the audio basics are ignored here. Everyone wants to control the analog levels at first for audio I/O and then to modify the samples in the digital stream.