On 04.01.2012 22:47, Anssi Hannula wrote:
On 04.01.2012 21:49, Andrew Eikum wrote:
But, passing these to aplay fails if I have PulseAudio running ("device in use").
Correct. You need to use pulse directly or the default/pulse device which passes audio to pulseaudio.
For the record, pulseaudio does release the device by default after it has been unused for a few seconds. Not that it matters much here, though.
So I'm really stuck here. Where am I supposed to get a list of devices that I can present to the user, including their Bluetooth devices and virtual devices from asound.conf?
I guess the preferred one is 'snd_device_name_hint()', but I don't really know if the caller is supposed to then handle surroundXX stuff themself.
Reading your last reply made me realize that I forgot that when pulseaudio is not configured, there is also the "default:CARD=foo" device listed (which you noticed), so I guess one could just ignore entries beginning with "front:" or "surround(40|41|50|51|71):", since one can just use "default" instead of them.