I prepared the pull request "ucm2: Add UCM support for rockchip_es8316 on Pinebook Pro" [1] to enable Pinebook Pro's audio generically. Also, the corresponding validator pull request "ucm-validator: Upload rockchip_es8316's dummy json and alsa-info" [2].
The original information comes from Manjaro ARM's pinebookpro-post-install's asound.state [3] and pinebookpro-audio's audio_jack_plugged_in.sh [4].
To make it available on most distros, I transfer the asound.state and the shell script into ALSA UCM conf.
It will be appreciated if someone can review the pull requests and give some feedback.
[1]: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/pull/112 [2]: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-tests/pull/22 [3]: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/manjaro-arm/packages/community/pinebookpro-post-i... [4]: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/manjaro-arm/packages/community/pinebookpro-audio/...
Jian-Hong Pan