I seem to have run into a few issues with alsa.
First, when I plug my headphones into my laptop, sound continues to play out of the speakers and doesn't switch over to (or unmute) the headphones. Auto-Mute Mode is enabled in alsamixer. The same thing happens when I unplug the headphones, it doesn't switch over to the speakers. I have to do the same thing I described above, (no unmuting, I just have to turn up the volume for the speakers in alsamixer.)
Second. When I plug in these headphones, I can't use the internal microphone on this laptop, it mutes. (AFAICT) These headphones do not have a microphone built in, they're just an ordinary pair of headphones. However, I was given a workaround in #alsa on freenode. In order to use the laptop's internal microphone with my headphones plugged in, I have to do : sudo hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x22 SET_CONNECT_SEL 6 — it works, but it isn't really ideal.
alsa-info is here : https://gist.github.com/Yomi0/9bfc3e72588cf8a35811
The first file in that gist is alsa-info with headphones and the second is without headphones.
Third. This is just a question. Is this : https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86676 actually a pulseaudio bug, or is it an issue with alsa? I'm only asking since Raymond linked something that seemed to belong to the alsa project.
Thank you.