At Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:25:57 +0200, Zoilo Gomez wrote:
This is consistent with the apparent introduction of this bug in kernel 2.6.19 (includes alsa-driver version 1.0.12rc1): no such problem occurred until 2.6.18, but all kernels since 2.6.19 do suffer from this problem. The line of code above first shows up in linux-2.6.19.
Unfortunately, since I do not have a datasheet for the VT1617A chip set, I cannot verify the exact semantics, or suggest an improvement.
Can anyone with a datasheet please suggest a proper patch to this line of code?
The register 0x5c is the VIA specific one. I have a VT1617 (without A) datasheet, and it suggests that the bit corresponds to the "headphone amplifier temperature sensing control". And setting this bit means to _disable_ the temperature sensing control. This sounds rather the correct to set.
However, I don't know whether any difference exists betweeen VIA1617 and 1617A although the codec id of both are identical.
Andrey, any comments about your patch?
In anyway, it'd be helpful if we can know which ac97 registers work and wich not. Please take /proc/asound/card0/codec97#*/ac97#*-regs file in both working and non-working cases to compare. Especially, the registers 0x5a and 0x5c look interesting.
Code containing "snd_ac97_write_cache(a97, 0x5c, 0x20)": 0x5a = 8300 0x5c = 0000
Code with "snd_ac97_write_cache(a97, 0x5c, 0x20)" commented out: 0x5a = 8301 0x5c = 0020
Quite a surprise to me, I would have expected exactly the opposite .....!?
I would, too. Could you double-check, e.g. by adding a printk? Also, any difference in other registers?
The reg 0x5a bit 0 is a reserved bits, so no further information about it on VT1617 datasheet.
Can you explain this? /proc/asound/card0/codec97#0/ac97#0-0+regs does dump current registers, correct? Or is it a toggling bit?
It reads the current register values. So, it's the value right now. And snd_ac97_write_cache() should overwrite, not toggle. The behavior is really puzzling.