Trying remove PCI quirk and use auto to find out node 0x0f is the
Not sure of what you expect of me, but anyway I've tried a kernel without the quirk and here's the result:
original kernel, model=dv7-4000: 0x0a 0x03a12050 0x0b 0x0321201f 0x0c 0x40f000f0 0x0d 0x90170110 0x0e 0x40f000f0 0x0f 0x40f000f0 0x10 0x90170110 0x11 0xd5a30140 0x1f 0x40f000f0 0x20 0x40f000f0 1
kernel without quirk, model=auto: 0x0a 0x40f000f0 0x0b 0x0221101f 0x0c 0x02a11020 0x0d 0x40f000f0 0x0e 0x40f000f0 0x0f 0x92170110 0x10 0x40f000f0 0x11 0xd5a30130 0x1f 0x40f000f0 0x20 0x40f000f0 1
And I can see that 0x0f is the internal speaker (at least in
The sound is only output on the 2 rear speakers (no front nor subwoofer). So what now?
Can you post the output of always-info.sh (kernel without quirk, model=auto )?
Take a look at 92HD81 datasheet
2.1.Port Functionality 2.2. Mono Output 2.19.BTL Amplifier High-Pass Filter The high pass filter is enabled by default with a cut-off frequency of 300Hz 2.23.2. “Playback Path” Port Behavior
Figure 8. Functional Block Diagram
If your note book really have 5 speakers and node 0x0f is the rear speaker , the sequence number should be 1 instead of 0 by pin fixup
Do the headphone , Mic jack and internal Mic work as expected ?
subwoofer is most likely at mono pin node 0x10
use hda-analyzer to change Pin-ctls to OUT and connect node 0x19 to the audio output with speaker playback volume control
Either 0x0d or 0x0e is the front speaker
Use early patching to fix the pin default
Node 0x10 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400500: Mono Pincap 0x00000010: OUT Pin Default 0x40f000f0: [N/A] Other at Ext N/A Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0 Pin-ctls: 0x00: Power states: Power: setting=D0, actual=D0 Connection: 1 0x1a
Node 0x19 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300501: Stereo Power states: Power: setting=D0, actual=D0 Connection: 3 0x13* 0x14 0x1c Node 0x1a [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200500: Mono Power states: Power: setting=D0, actual=D0 Connection: 1 0x19