Jarkko Nikula wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:06:44 -0600 "Candelaria Villareal, Jorge" jorge.candelaria@ti.com wrote:
+static int omap_mcpdm_dai_startup(struct snd_pcm_substream
struct snd_soc_dai *dai)
- struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd =
- struct snd_soc_dai *cpu_dai = rtd->dai->cpu_dai;
- int err = 0;
- if (!cpu_dai->active)
err = omap_mcpdm_request();
Will anything else use this hw interface other than ALSA audio ? If not, the request is probably better in the machine
driver probe().
omap_mcpdm_request will enable the functional clock. Isn't it better for the clock to be enabled only when is about to get used?
Definitely yes if there is no any need to keep block active after the request. That would help the power-management if there are no active clocks when the streams are suspended with omap_mcpdm_stop() but the block remains reserved (i.e. omap_mcpdm_free is not called).
The current McBSP implementation is not the best example here but hopefully that will get fixed at some point.
stream is either PLAYBACK or CAPTURE here.
Downlink and uplink were chosen instead to avoid confusion because that is how it is referred in McPDM technical documentation. But I do understand that we are talking about ALSA stream, not McPDM...
Here, however, the methods set_uplink & set_downlink are Named after McPDM data paths. In this case is it preferred to name everything using ALSA convention? Or would it be ok to use downlink/uplink on certain cases?
I think something like below is clear enough. It is easy to see that we are dealing with ALSA playback stream which corresponds to downlink path in HW.
if (stream == SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK) omap_mcpdm_downlink_opxxx();
Also for the user(-space) standard playback and capture naming is more clear than downlink/uplink terminology.
So the idea would be to show that ALSA playback/capture correspond to McPDM downlink/uplink paths. Sounds good, I can try this for all downlink/uplink operations.
-- Jarkko