Dne 01. 12. 19 v 9:04 Takashi Sakamoto napsal(a):
Hi Jaroslav,
Since Audio Mini Conference 2018, I continued to work for alsa-gi[1] in my local to integrate toward better I/O libraries. However I realized that its basic design includes some disadvantages to produce useful APIs.
I rethink the design and realize it better to wrap each of structures in <sound/asound.h> simply. Then, I restart it as alsa-gobject[2]. At present, master branch includes a library, `libalsactl0` for the most of I/O features in ALSA control interface, which is compatible with GObject mechanism and GObject introspection.
Jaroslav, would you please delete the alsa-gi repository and fork the master branch from my alsa-gobject repository, then apply enough configurations to the new repository?
Hi Takashi,
I am sorry that it took so long but I was really busy with other things. The alsa-gobject repository is set, synced with git.alsa-project.org now like other repos. The settings should be similar to alsa-gi, so you should have write permissions. If you hit any issue, just let me know.
The original alsa-gi repository was archived and I will remove it later.
There is only one difference - I did not clone this repo from yours via github. It might make sense, if you fork the alsa-project repo to your github repository and push your changes back (alsa-project/alsa-gobject -> takaswie/alsa-gobject), so the fork link system on github will be updated properly.
Thank you, Jaroslav