Hi everybody!
I've just opened what I think is a bug at GitHub[1] and have been told to send it to this list instead.
System configuration: - http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=fb914e7a6b8d91993b00d61c94c885e8d2ede527 - https://github.com/opensrc/alsa/issues/4 (some additional PulseAudio stuff)
My problem: I have a DeLock USB audio device with an C-Media audio chip. When changing the volume in alsamixer there is no problem, but when changing the volume through any PulseAudio frontend (in my case either pavucontrol or veromix-plasmoid), all volumes below 30% in the GUI are shown as 0% in alsamixer and no sound is played. The PulseAudio wiki[2] blames this on ALSA for exporting incorrect dB information. However there is a StackExchange answer[3] which suggests adding the parameter ignore_dB=1 in /etc/pulse/default.pa which fixed the issue, so I'm not sure if this is indeed ALSAs fault?
Please tell me if this can be fixed in ALSA or if this might be a PulseAudio bug...
With best regards, Alexander Schlarb
[1] https://github.com/opensrc/alsa/issues/4 [2] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Pulse... [3] http://askubuntu.com/questions/15069/how-do-i-change-the-way-ubuntu-adjusts-...