On Mon, 11 Apr 2016, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
Filtering out clock messages serves an actual need. But I am not willing to add complexity for a problem that is, at the moment, nothing but a figment of our imaginations.
My argument is really that currently amidi has an option for filtering out active sensing, which has probably been added as it serves a useful purpose in its own right. The patch replaces that filter with one that filters out everything from F8 (clock) and up
I consider this change a bug fix; I just forgot about clock messages when I originally impemented the filter.
Fair enough, although regardless of the original intention, the current version is out there (although I honestly haven't checked how long the filtering option has been available, perhaps it's not that long), and it's not buggy in the sense that it does what the corresponding (long) option says it will do.
I think it would be better to keep the existing option, and add a new one, rather than to essentially change the meaning of the existing option.
That would be a new feature.