On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:49:27AM -0500, Timur Tabi wrote:
Mark Brown wrote:
But wouldn't it now be legal to represent the machine driver as a device in its own right, even if it is connected via GPIOs?
I'm not sure I understand that, so let me say this:
When a driver wants to be probed, it creates a list that describes the kind of nodes it wants to be probed on. Typically, the list includes the contents of the "compatible" property. The kernel then scans the device tree, and calls the driver for each matching node.
Right, but you could not then idiomatically have a device tree entry saying something to the effect of "This board has a Frobnitz 2000 with control line 1 connected to GPIO4 and control line 2 connected to GPIO5" which would register the presence of this other device (in the same way as you have an entry for an I2C device)?