27 May
27 May
4:35 p.m.
arecord -fdat -vv -Dplugw:0,6 -c4 /dev/null
That does not work:
[15:55] nb3:~% arecord -fdat -vv -Dplugw:0,6 -c4 /dev/null ALSA lib pcm.c:2660:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM plugw:0,6 arecord: main:830: audio open error: No such file or directory
typo: you need to use plughw:0,6 or just hw:0,6
However, recording with audacity produces to results:
- no sound recorded by default
- sound recorded when I plugin an external headset
And using arecord -fdat -vv -c4 /dev/null (without -Dplugw) I get output, but the level is always 00% without the headset, ranges 02 ~ 90% with the headset plugged in.
I was wondering if there's a hardware switch "broken" for the detection of the headset and that's why the mic is muted internally?
No, the DMIC has nothing to do with the headset, it's an independent interface.