On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 11:32 +0200, ext Mark Brown wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:28:25PM +0300, Eero Nurkkala wrote:
As mentioned, in some (or most) cases the absolute sinetone level (dB) is expected constant. Even a volume change should not effect the sidetone level. Thus, if there's a change in volume, the sidetone gains should be readjusted. If that can happen automatically, that would be just nice =)
That's what you said, but could you please go into a bit more detail about why you beleive that this should be the case? Is there some hardware limitation here?
No HW limits here... it's all about the hmm, "friendliness" of sidetones.
"The more intense the side-tone, the less intensely the speaker talks." (June 12, 1948) [REF]
So changing the headset volume should not make the speaker talk more/less intensely? Of course it all depends... this is just one aspect to this.
LOUDNESS OF SPEAKING: THE EFFECT OF THE INTENSITY OF SIDE-TONE UPON THE INTENSITY OF THE SPEAKER Kenyon College Acoustic Laboratory Gambier, Ohio School of Aviation Medicine and Research N.A.S., Pensacola, Florida