At Tue, 2 Jul 2013 20:47:21 +0800, Raymond Yau wrote:
HDA STAC9221 audio work for (64bit) Fedora 16, Ubuntu 11.10 and
11.4 Live CD inside virtualbox 4.2.14
no sound for this emulated HDA sound card since Ubuntu 12.04 Live CD
No analog playback device for Saucy or Fedora 19 Live CD
It looks strange that VirtualBox sets up the pins for 5.1 speaker + headphone. Is this really the wanted setup as a virtual machine?
Some truncated control names found in alsa-info.sh output should have been fixed in sound git tree now.
it work with opensuse 11.4 for both HDA and AC97 , but no sound card modules loaded in opensuse 12.3 Live CD
Well, it doesn't clarify whether the culprit is VirtualBox's change or HD-audio driver's change at all... How did 11.4 work? Did it work with 5.1 + headphone setup in VME?
it only support stereo in 11.4
analog playback device still appear in Ubuntu 13.04 (before sigmtel use auto generic parser)
Are you really sure that it's due to the generic parser? Judging from alsa-info.sh output, the pin default config values are different between working and non-working cases. This has nothing to do with which parse to use.
Try the later kernel with the working environment.