Thanks Colin, Takashi.
The thing is, I've noticed other applications such as aplay or amarok call the same function and not exhibit the same behavior. That's why I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Also intersetingly enough, if I do not use the "default" ALSA_DEVICE_DEFAULT, and instead use "front" (which I believe is direct access to alsa driver, whereas "default" goes through pulseaudio), strange things happen. For example, setting a rate or channels returns -22 Invalid Argument.
I am not sure if I need to change or upgrade alsa. I just want to get to the bottom of this with existing pulseaudio/alsa since other players seem to work.> To: alsa-devel@alsa-project.org> From: gmane@colin.guthr.ie> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:39:25 +0100> CC: alsa-devel@alsa-project.org; hashbrown100@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: [alsa-devel] Issue with Alsa and PulseAudio> > Takashi Iwai wrote:> > There is no alsa-lib code that returns -EPERM by itself.> > Usually this error comes from the ioctl, but in this case, it must be> > from pulse plugin. And, pcm_pulse.c contains no EPERM, it must come> > from the pulseaudio itself.> > > > So, my rough guess is that PA is running by a different user> > (e.g. root) that doesn't allow you to connect it.> > Interesting analysis, thanks Takashi.> > Ash, if you want me to help with debugging, I am usually on > #mandriva-cooker and #pulseaudio on IRC (nick coling).> > If I don't answer after a ping it means I'm not there!> > > Of course, first I'd do is to upgrade alsa-lib and alsa-plugins.> > 1.0.16 is fairly old.> > Ash, if you think this would help, I can backport these two packages on > Mandriva for the 2008.1 version but the driver will have to remain at > 1.0.16. (actually a current backport would get the 1.0.18rc2's).> > And Takashi, do you age faster than most humans? 1.0.17 only went final > few weeks ago!!! (although I accept there have been several good > bugfixes since!!)> > > Cheers> > Col> > > -- > > Colin Guthrie> gmane(at)colin.guthr.ie> http://colin.guthr.ie/%3E > Day Job:> Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/%5D%3E Open Source:> Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/%5D%3E PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/%5D%3E Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/%5D%3E > _______________________________________________> Alsa-devel mailing list> Alsa-devel@alsa-project.org> http://mailman.alsa-project.org/mailman/listinfo/alsa-devel _________________________________________________________________ Be the filmmaker you always wanted to be—learn how to burn a DVD with Windows®. http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/108588797/direct/01/