On 10/05/2021 20:27, Mukunda,Vijendar wrote:
Hardware signal broken between ACP and Designware I2S controller with re-ordering the sequence. > It is surely not a designware IP issue, trying to solve it there is wrong.
As it's not a designware IP issue, initially we started idea with introducing quirk that applies for this ACP version based AMD platforms.
Hi Peter,
Any suggestion on the work around for this issue? How about declaring a flag in sound card structure and this flag will be set in stoneyridge machine driver.
This can only be solved in the core, that's clear. If this issue only affects this version of ACP with dw I2S (the same ACP version works fine with other audio IP), then it is more like machine driver level of quirk. If this ACP have the same issue with other audio IPs as well then it is platform quirk. If the this ACP is only used in this setup then I would consider machine level quirk as it might be simpler to implement.
Other thing to consider is how other setups with similar issues can use the new quirk/flag... Some might need to make sure that a component is first, not last for example.
Based on flag check trigger stop sequence will be re-ordered.
Thanks, Vijendar