At Thu, 17 Sep 2009 15:51:55 -0400, Alistair Boyle wrote:
2009/9/17 Takashi Iwai tiwai@suse.de:
At Thu, 17 Sep 2009 13:25:22 -0400, Alistair Boyle wrote:
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Takashi Iwai tiwai@suse.de wrote:
At Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:18:11 -0400, Alistair Boyle wrote:
- It should be the "capture" control that Skype or some other
application should be twiddling to adjust recording volume automatically? Is it this control that should come first when they are enumerated, or is there some property that is missing from this control to tell the application which control to use? (ie: is there anything the alsa-driver does to help the application get this right?)
The "Capture" volume is available. Skype should choose it as default. Isn't it just the old saved setup that screws up?
Clearing ~/.Skype and restarting gets the same behavior. Skype is playing the "front mic" control instead of "capture". I see a bunch of
Hm, then it's rather a problem of Skype.
Okay. Thanks for all your help so far!
- The "pc beep" is still making a bad buzz/crackling noise when an
xterm beep occurs. There's also a new "speaker" control but it doesn't affect this behavior (unrelated?).
Hm, this is basically independent from my change, and I guess this is a codec hardware issue.
The last item was the "pc beep" thing. It looks like you're the guy to talk to about that too: is there any debugging I can do on my end to help sort that out? It looks from the log like there's some tricky business with getting the beep frequency right?
It's not clear from your description what is the actual problem, i.e. whether it's a wrong HZ calculation or just the loudness. It seems that the loudness is hard-coded and can't be softer. But the frequency should be certainly fixable.
The frequency calculation is found in hda_beep.c.