I have a few question on the implementation
1. As stated above: So the driver may support multiple UMP Endpoints in theory, although most devices are supposed to have a single UMP EP that can contain up to 16 groups -- which should be large enough.
I read (forgot where) that Windows will only supports 1 endpoint) . This would results in maximum 16 I/O ports when using one group terminal block per endpoint. Correct ? In that case manufacturers may not create devices with multiple endpoints ... :-) ?
Per USB spec, One endpoint can support maximum 16 terminal blocks with each 16 groups so one endpoint in theory could support 256 (bi directional) groups and thus 512 ports (256 in/ 256 out)
2. If there is one in and and out terminal in an endpoint, then this will be presented as one in and one output port (in ALSA) ? Correct ?
3. bGrpTrmBlkType: are 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02 all supported ?
4. At the MIDI device, should OUT endpoints be BULK, and IN endpoints be INTERRUPT or BOTH BULK ? Page 21 of MIDI spec shows BULK for in and out but the descriptor example shows interrupt for IN. Page 19 states: MIDI Streaming Data Endpoints use bulk or interrupt transfers to exchange data with the Host
5. Are more than 1 Group Terminal Blocks supported by the driver for one endpoint ?
6. The current driver already uses the Group Terminal Blocks Descriptors Request ?