Hello, my name is Sergio Atzori. I'm a musician and I love very much linux and open source. I have a lot of hardware for music, something well supported by linux, something else not supported...I have some questions: 1) Esi Juli@: reported as supported by alsa, but it isn't. Looking at http://www.linuxdriverproject.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DriversNeeded and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Ice1724, this really beautiful card is unusable in linux. I have one and I tried to get it working with some distros, but nothing..I experience a computer freeze (kernel panic perhaps?) in every attempt to configure it with alsa-conf, or just opening an application that uses midi system (like Rosegarden). So I would know, there is someone working on a better driver? Can I hope to get it working in the near future? According to me there is a lot of people waiting for a driver for this card, I'm waiting since 2005.. 2) Miditech I2 control-37 (http://www.miditech.de/produktee_i2.htm): beatiful usb-keyboard, not mentioned in Linux-USB device site, it does not work in linux...I think the kernel configure it well (as snd-usb-audio device) but I can't see it in Jack midi connections.. 3) RME AES32 (and AES32express) & Lynx AES16: this driver could be important for professional studios..if we want to put linux distros on the professional side. I've none of them, but some people ask me to build a professional multichannel live machine, I'd like to build a linux based machine...there are not alternatives to these cards, because I can build a system with more than one of them (really powerful multichannel environment).
Thanks so much for attention. Ciao