Brian Jones wrote:
I don't know how to get this bug to the developers
Just send it to the alsa-devel list. Once.
My USB soundcard is an Asus Xonar U7 Echelon Edition which identifies itself to alsa as "Xonar U7 Echelon Ed." The card is supported by alsa and works well in analog mode but I cannot get digital output via alsa.
Attempts to change the iec958 device in USB-Audio.conf fail because of the period char and apparently my level of OS (Mint 17.3 based on Ubuntu 14.04, kernel 3.19.0-32) does not have alsa supporting USB vendorid:productid naming
The vendor:product naming is used only for device that do not have a name. The newer version of alsa-lib would replace unsafe characters (like '.') with an underscore.
Try changing /usr/share/alsa/cards/USB-Audio.conf. Dont add an entry to the USB-Audio.pcm.iec958_device list near the top, but go to the bottom, to the USB-Audio.pcm.iec958.0 definition, and change this:
USB-Audio.pcm.iec958.0 { @args [ CARD AES0 AES1 AES2 AES3 ] @args.CARD { type string } @args.AES0 { type integer } @args.AES1 { type integer } @args.AES2 { type integer } @args.AES3 { type integer } @func refer name { ...(lots of stuff)... } default { ...(lots of stuff)... } }
to this:
USB-Audio.pcm.iec958.0 { @args [ CARD AES0 AES1 AES2 AES3 ] @args.CARD { type string } @args.AES0 { type integer } @args.AES1 { type integer } @args.AES2 { type integer } @args.AES3 { type integer } type hw # no @func card $CARD device 1 }
(This will break S/PDIF on all other USB devices, but who cares ...)
Regards, Clemens