Am 10.10.2013 23:55 schrieb "Petri Järvisalo" petri.jarvisalo@gmail.com:
the only option left for me is to ask if some kind person would patch and
change the default settings, i think it would serve the majority of users and ease the usability :)
Actually there are two more options:
1. Do it yourself! I really mean it: I had never done anything kernel related before, I didn't know how all this was working. I dived into the code because I needed the device to be working and seemingly there wasn't anyone else who wanted to work on the mixer :-) 2. As mentioned in my first reply, I would consider implementing a 'all muted' default if we found a consensus on it. I couldn't promise to do it soon though because of too much work with much higher priority. Grant, Aurelien, what do you think? It's probably at least better than the current situation.