On Monday, 2 September 2019, 14:31:24 BST, Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp wrote:
As a quick glance, the repository is just for deb-based distributions. From my experience, users who eager to use the latest source codes tend to use Arch Linux and Gentoo Linux. It's helpful for the users to include some instructions just to use the code with DKMS system. Then you could get any feedback from them as well.
I added some quick instructions for non-Ubuntu/Debian systems. On the whole, it doesn't really add much to the work, as the debian packaging process really just auto-generates/insert the module version into the dkms.conf template I wrote. So for non-Ubuntu/Debian system, it is a matter of deciding on a version and edit/insert it manually, and copy the rest into the right place onto a system.