I'm new to ALSA programming so please bear with me if the following question is all too obvious. I did some research on my question before but I didn't come across a clear answer.
What I want to do is really simple: Playing multiple sounds in different formats at the same time. E.g.
Sound 1: 12345 hz, 8-bit signed, mono Sound 2: 44100 hz, 16-bit unsigned, stereo Sound 3: 8000 hz, 8-bit unsigned, stereo
Now I want to play sounds 1 to 3 at the same time. My question is now: Can ALSA do automatic mixing for me here or do I have to do the mixing on my own? In other words, can I simply feed all these three sound streams to ALSA or do I have to mix them into a fourth audio stream first and feeding this new fourth stream to ALSA then?