On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 14:05:56 +0100, Hui Wang wrote:
Adding 4 more debugfs nodes, users could get more information about the jack_kctl from them:
kctl_id, read-only, get jack_kctl->kctl's id sound/card0/HeadphoneJack# cat kctl_id Headphone Jack
mask_bits, read-only, get jack_kctl's events mask_bits sound/card0/HeadphoneJack# cat mask_bits 0x0001 HEADPHONE(0x0001)
status, read-only, get jack_kctl's current status headphone unplugged: sound/card0/HeadphoneJack# cat status 0x0000 headphone plugged: sound/card0/HeadphoneJack# cat status 0x0001 HEADPHONE(0x0001)
type, read-only, get jack's supported events type sound/card0/HeadphoneJack# cat type 0x0001 HEADPHONE(0x0001)
I believe we should have a proper documentation in Documentation/ to describe all those.
And the debugfs callbacks could be optimized without malloc as I mentioned in another mail, too.