Hi Pierre
Em 15/05/2017 09:44, "Pierre-Louis Bossart" < pierre-louis.bossart@linux.intel.com> escreveu:
On 5/13/17 12:11 AM, Paulo Sergio wrote:
- This device (Lenovo Yoga 2 1051F) is a bytcr device. However bios
status returned by iosf_mbi_read is 1000000001000000000000101000000 (bits 26:27 disabled). Had to force bytcr flag to be true in order to apply correct MCLK frequency (25Mhz) and use SSP0
Are you sure it's Baytrail-CR? where does this information come from? Those fields are tied to which PMIC is used and it would be extremely surprising to have a disconnect.
Sorry, I should have said that I assumed it is a Baytrail CR device because these features:
* it's a Z3745 soc * acpi_ipc_irq_index used is 0 (0x1D is the 1st index listed on dsdt, just like other bytcr devices) * ssp0 is being used on this device, not ssp2 * it has a 25mhz clk
But these are not enough to state it is a bytcr right?
Regards Pstglia