2010/8/4 Sebastian H. vand2@gmx.de
Hello everyone
I've been working on Alsamixer-Qt4 lately and compiled the changes into a new release version 0.4.0. Most importantly the cards list can be refreshed now and the style got a little overhaul, too. A more detailed changelog can be found at the xwmw.org page.
The new version 0.4.0 is available at the known places. http://xwmw.org/alsamixer-qt4/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/alsamixer-qt4/files/
Any comments are welcome.
Cheers, Sebastian
How about those inactive controls ? snd_mixer_selem_is_active()
e.g. for those motherboard with 3 audio jacks at the rear panel, the pink and blue jacks are retasked as output pins after turn the "Smart 5.1" switch on , the controls of "Mic" and "Line-in" , "ceter/lfe" and "rear" are active/inactive