Crow wrote at Monday, June 27, 2011 2:44 PM:
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Stephen Warren wrote:
Crow wrote at Monday, June 27, 2011 11:49 AM:
At Sun, 26 Jun 2011 18:45:30 +0200, crow wrote:
I am trying to get sound working on kernel 2.6.39 (under archlinux x86_64 bit distribution) over HDMI to my digital receiver but without luck. Before this post i asked in #alsa for help, and everything we tried over there didnt get the sound over HDMI. I connected headphones to the green jack and ran speaker-test and there is sound over jack, analog sound plays fine. But runing alsamixer un-muting spdif/iec958/spdif (1) and trying to re run speaker-test doesn't output sound over HDMI to my digital receiver.
I dont have any GUI here, trough i installed xorg,nvidia,alsa and prepared for VDR/XBMC.
I don't quite understand that last sentence. Just to be clear, audio over HDMI isn't expected to work unless the NVIDIA binary X driver is installed, X is running, and X is being displayed over HDMI.
Well when I was using speaker-test command I was in command line interface. Nvidia binary X driver is installed and loaded, X isnt runing, nor is xine. They are started after, with vdrclient startup script. Trying speaker-test befor X and xine, does not give me any output to speakres (even, speaker-test plays, no error output just nothing on speakers). Now i start vdrclient script which do (1) and (2) and i get sound on speakers. Then i stop vdrclient, and i checked X isnt runing anymore nor is xine. Did speaker-test again and there is sound.
Maybe loading X activated something in nvidia driver which activated then audio to, and even after stoping X, that audio thing is still activated and can be used??
Yes absolutely; X running is required for HDMI audio to work.
The fact that it appears to still work after X is stopped is a fluke, and may or may not always be the case. You shouldn't rely on this.
(1) X -nocursor -br -quiet -dpms -allowMouseOpenFail -ac -audit 0& (2) xine --no-gui --no-logo --no-splash --deinterlace -pq -f -A alsa -V vpdau --post vdr --post vdr_audio --post vdr_video --post tvtime:method=use_vo_driver netvdr:/ --config=/var/lib/vdr/.xine/config
That's odd. I don't understand why running xine first would help.
[well, it turns out it wasn't running xine, but X, that fixes this]
Perhaps you could try compiling the very latest ALSA kernel driver code, and seeing if that makes any difference? Recently, some changes were made in the way the HDMI audio infoframes get set up for the chipset you're using.
I will try to compile latest ALSA kernel driver code, and will let you
There's no need now; everything is explained by X not being active.