Hi Michael,
On 06/21/2013 05:40 AM, Michael Lathion wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to use a WM8742 dac instead of WM8731 on a custom board based on AT91SAM9G20EK (developpment board from Atmel for AT91SAM9G20 soc) with Linux Kernel 2.6.38.
I have the driver working in alsa (driver compiled, mixer up in alsa, ...) but I can't have the ssc interface working. When trying to play sound with aplay I get only the masterclock and bitclock but no frame clock (LRCLK), see output below.
What I've done is modifying the /sound/soc/atmel/sam9g20_wm8731.c file but it seems something is not configured as it should (probably related to WM8742 being slave and the WM8731 used on original dev board was master for clock distribution).
My modified sam9g20_wm8741.c is enclosed to this mail, i suspect something is wrongly setup in CPU DAI configuration but can't find what.
Don't see any attachment. So, don't know how you modify the code.
However, for your reference for codec work as slave, atmel ssc as master: https://github.com/Android4SAM/linux-at91/commit/33db8ebd3e75632c482dda27134...
Best Regards, Bo Shen