20 Nov
20 Nov
9:51 p.m.
Hi everyone,
here are two patches I’ve been rebasing with each new upload of alsa-lib to Debian to make things work for my x32 desktop.
The small one fixes it misdetecting x32 as amd64, which leads to an immediate segfault.
The other one fixes issues related to printing time_t values on platforms where time_t is 64 bit wide and long 32 bit wide (various BSDs and all new 32-bit and *64ilp32 Linux platforms).
The Debian packager of alsa-lib hasn’t found it necessary to forward them upstream, so I’m doing it with this. I hope they can be included in the next releases. The patches were last updated for 1.1.8 although I need to update them to 1.1.9 which was recently introduced to Debian… usually they apply still.
Thanks in advance, //mirabilos
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