On Tuesday 12 January 2010 18:05:15 ext Aggarwal, Anuj wrote:
I want to check the status of suspend/resume functionality when audio subsystem is being used. Specifically, has some one tried the following tests on their omap3 based platforms:
a) echo mem > /sys/power/state, when audio playback is running in background b) same command, when audio capture is running in background b) same command, when audio loopback is running in background
I am facing some issues with (b) & (c) so wanted to confirm whether someone else has faced similar problem or not.
As Jarkko pointed out in a separate mail, we should not expect the suspend/resume to be working correctly until the context save/restore, and the clock management is sorted out.
On the other hand it seams that the problem is in the capture path (b and c having issues).
How is the McBSP configured in your setup (master or slave)? I think we might have different issues with suspend/resume when OMAP McBSP is slave or if it is master.