23 Sep
23 Sep
4:06 p.m.
At Wed, 23 Sep 2009 14:06:53 +0100, Liviu Andronic wrote:
On 9/23/09, Daniel Chen seven.steps@gmail.com wrote:
Yes, both of these options are necessary. What's your lspci -nv|grep -A1 0403?
debian-liv:/home/liviu# lspci -nv|grep -A1 0403 00:14.2 0403: 1002:4383 Subsystem: 103c:1506 -- 01:05.1 0403: 1002:960f Subsystem: 1002:960f
Could you give rather the alsa-info.sh output (run with --no-upload option)? This will contain all needed information.