Hi all, Sorry for straying a little off topic, but talk of these couple of chips got me thinking about unsupported hardware in general.
Does anyone know the legal implications of reverse engineering with regards to producing new drivers? I myself wouldn't mind reversing a certain chip or two but I'm not too aware of the legality of it all, particularly in the case where the vendor is hostile or unwilling to release chip information.
In general, is it legally acceptable to reverse engineer for the purposes of interoperability?
Are vendors likely to make a noise if their hardware gains support under Linux without or against their consent? or is it more a matter of protecting the original product specification than hiding details of the product's interface?
Takashi, may I ask your thoughts on this? What's your position on accepting reverse engineered code? (Let's assume that the driver works as well as one written in a more correct manner ;)) I'm fully aware that uncooperative vendors don't deserve to have their hardware supported, but I think that Linux users and Linux itself deserves the support.