On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 4:34 PM, Charles Keepax ckeepax@opensource.wolfsonmicro.com wrote:
On Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 04:16:23PM +0300, Daniel Baluta wrote:
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Zidan Wang b50113@freescale.com wrote:
On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 07:27:03PM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:
On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 03:31:45PM +0800, Zidan Wang wrote:
I found it can't generate bclk for S20_3LE data format.
For 2 channel S20_3LE data format:
bclk = fs * 20 * 2 Sysclk = BCLKDIV * bclk = BCLKDIV * fs * 40 Sysclk = DACDIV * fs * 256
BCLKDIV/DACDIV = 256/40 = 32/5
But BCLKDIV/DACDIV can't be 32/5. So I want to support tdm slot.
bclk = fs * slot_width * slots * channal.
Do you think it make sense, or any other ideas?
Reviving this question after two years :).
After "ASoC: codec: wm8960: Relax bit clock computation" patch
we can now support S20_3LE for round rates like 8000, 16000, 32000 and 48000.
But not for 11025, 22050, 441000. Do you think it's worth exploring "tdm slot" idea? I don't know exactly what it implies.
Another idea, is to completely remove support for S20_3LE since it is not trivial to derive bitclk from sysclk.
What do you guys think?
Does this problem still remain after the relaxed clock computation? The maths you quote depends on the derived BCLK being exactly the correct speed for the audio, that is no longer the case anymore.
I would have thought the patch would cover both situations, as in if we can produce a suitable LRCLK, then we just pick a BCLK we
The problem for remaining rates is that we cannot derive the LRCLK
<snip> + for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(dac_divs); ++j) { + if (sysclk != dac_divs[j] * lrclk) + continue; </snip>
can produce that is higher than we need. I don't see why that depends on things being a 48k based rate there. Am I missing something?