2010-08-27 17:43, Clemens Ladisch skrev:
David Henningsson wrote:
So I've discovered that my sound card has a "PCM Playback Volume" control, but changing that control does not alter the volume.
Interestingly enough, this control does not come from the HDA parser, it is added by alsactl at boot time...!
This control was created by the software volume plugin. When not using this plugin, the control does not have any effect.
To get rid of it, delete its entry from /etc/asound.state.
Hmm, I wonder if this is an Ubuntu-specific bug then? Because when I run Maverick (the upcoming Ubuntu release) from a Live-CD, the "PCM Playback Volume" control is still there (and there is no asound.state, neither in /etc or in /var/lib/alsa). When I use the plughw interface, the "PCM Playback Volume" does not affect volume output. Should I use another device string to test the softvol plugin, to see if it's there or not?
Btw, I still think it's strange that a userspace plugin, with controls that only effects userspace, still can create controls in kernel-space. Am I missing something?