I've pasted below the topology data for the broadwell firmware using the text file format being used by UCM. Using the UCM format allows to to share parser code and allows us to also have UCM define topology data.
I've not yet completed the byte or enum controls but the rest of the data is there for comments. I've also included the recent channel changes suggested in the UAPI header comments.
# Firmware Topology Configuration for Broadwell
# TLV scale used by both global and stream volumes SectionTLV."hsw_vol_tlv" {
DBScale [ min "-9000" step "300" mute "1" ] }
# Controls from default pipeline SectionControl."Default Pipeline" {
Index "1"
# Master DSP volume Mixer [ name "Master Playback Volume" Channel.0 [ map "Left" reg "0" shift "0" ] Channel.1 [ map "Right" reg "0" shift "8" ] max "31" invert "false" get "0" put "0" tlv_array "hsw_vol_tlv" ]
# Offload 0 volume Mixer [ name "Media0 Playback Volume" Channel.0 [ map "Left" reg "1" shift "0" ] Channel.1 [ map "Right" reg "1" shift "8" ] max "31" invert "false" get "1" put "1" tlv_array "hsw_vol_tlv" ]
# Enum controls Enum [ ... ]
# Byte controls Bytes [ ... ] }
# DAPM Widgets for main pipeline SectionWidget."Pipeline1" {
Index "1"
AIF_IN [ name "SSP0 CODEC IN" stream_name "" slot "" reg "0" shift "0" invert "false" ]
AIF_OUT [ name "SSP0 CODEC OUT" stream_name "" slot "" reg "0" shift "0" invert "false" ]
... }
# DAPM Routes SectionGraph."Pipeline 1 Graph" {
Index 1
Routes [ "Playback VMixer, , System Playback" "Playback VMixer, , Offload0 Playback" "Playback VMixer, , Offload1 Playback" "SSP0 CODEC OUT, , Playback VMixer" "Analog Capture, , SSP0 CODEC IN" ] }
# PCM Configurations supported by FW SectionPCMConfig."PCM 48k Stereo 24bit" {
Playback [ format "S24_LE" rate "48000" channels "2" tdm_slot "0xf" ]
Capture [ format "S24_LE" rate "48000" channels "2" tdm_slot "0xf"
] }
SectionPCMConfig."PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" {
Playback [ format "S16_LE" rate "48000" channels "2" tdm_slot "0xf" ]
Capture [ format "S16_LE" rate "48000" channels "2" tdm_slot "0xf"
] }
SectionPCMConfig."PCM 48k 2P/4C 16bit" {
Playback [ format "S16_LE" rate "48000" channels "2" tdm_slot "0xf" ]
Capture [ format "S16_LE" rate "48000" channels "4" tdm_slot "0xf"
] }
# PCM capabilities supported by FW SectionPCMCapabilities."System Playback" {
Capabilities [ formats "S24_LE, S16_LE" rate_min "48000" rate_max "48000" channels_min "2" channels_max "2" ] }
SectionPCMCapabilities."Analog Capture" {
Capabilities [ formats "S24_LE, S16_LE" rate_min "48000" rate_max "48000" channels_min "2" channels_max "4" ] }
SectionPCMCapabilities."Offload Pin Playback" {
Capabilities [ formats "S24_LE, S16_LE" rate_min "8000" rate_max "192000" channels_min "2" channels_max "2" ] }
SectionPCMCapabilities."Loopback Capture" {
Capabilities [ formats "S16_LE" rate_min "48000" rate_max "48000" channels_min "2" channels_max "2" ] }
# PCM devices exported by Firmware SectionPCM."System Pin" {
Index 1
Playback [ Capabilities "System Playback" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 24bit" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" ]
Capture [ Capabilities "Analog Capture" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 24bit" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" Config "PCM 48k 2P/4C 16bit" ] }
SectionPCM."Offload Pin 0" {
Index 1
Playback [ Capabilities "Offload Pin Playback" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 24bit" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" ] }
SectionPCM."Offload Pin 1" {
Index 1
Playback [ Capabilities "Offload Pin Playback" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 24bit" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" ] }
SectionPCM."Loopback Pin" {
Index 1
Capture [ Capabilities "Loopback Capture" Config "PCM 48k Stereo 16bit" ] }