RPi has recently moved to the VC4 driver which accepts only IEC958_SUBFRAME_LE format https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/ecb1b8288dc7ccbdcb3b9df005fa1c0e0c038... . Since then people started to have issues with their previous configs which use only the plug plugin (plughw:X).
Wrapping the device with the hdmi plugin solves the problem, as it should. But e.g. mainline java support for alsa offers only hw cards wrapped with the plug plugin (hardcoded, not possible to specify the device name directly). Stock Java apps then do not work with RPi HDMI.
I was wondering if it made sense to add support for the IEC958 formats (using the iec958 plugin methods) to the plug plugin.
It may be complicated with the hdmi_mode hint though, I do not know if there is any API to recognize HDMI vs. SPDIF. Maybe a different format specifically for HDMI could have been perhaps useful but it may be too late for that.
Thank you very much for consideration.
With regards,