Hi Mark
Thank you for your review
amixer set "DVC Out" 100% // = Normal Volume amixer set "DVC Out Ramp Up Rate" "0.125 dB/64 steps" amixer set "DVC Out Ramp Down Rate" "0.125 dB/512 steps" amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 0% // Mute = Normal Volume x 0% amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" on // Volume Ramp ON aplay xxx.wav & amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 100% // Mute to Normal Volume x 100% amixer set "DVC Out Ramp" 0% // Normal Volume x 100% to Mute
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think what's confusing me here is that what I'd expect to happen is that setting the ramp rate would cause any volume change done by the user to ramp to the target volume (or mute) but it looks like what's actually happening is that the ramp control is providing an additional layer of volume control on top of the normal volume control.
Sorry for my poor explanation. Yes, you are correct. Volume Ramp chenges [ramp layer] (0% - 100%) [ramp layer] is always 100% if you don't use Volume Ramp.
[Normal Volume] x [ramp layer] = output
Please let me better/understandable naming.