Il 06/11/2012 10:06, Takashi Iwai ha scritto:
Could you attach to ML too?
I tried, but they're too big
BTW, did you see the above patch (error in via_auto_fill_dac_nids) ? My patch isn't correct either (fails when the 'continue' path is taken) but it's better than now. I guess that code should be rewritten, it's quite weird in respect to dac numbering.
Could you elaborate a bit more?
Ok. here the original functions :
static bool is_empty_dac(struct hda_codec *codec, hda_nid_t dac) { struct via_spec *spec = codec->spec; int i;
for (i = 0; i < spec->multiout.num_dacs; i++) { <--- uses spec->multiout.num_dacs as used DAC count if (spec->multiout.dac_nids[i] == dac) return false; } if (spec->hp_dac_nid == dac) return false; return true; }
static bool __parse_output_path(struct hda_codec *codec, hda_nid_t nid, hda_nid_t target_dac, int with_aa_mix, struct nid_path *path, int depth) { struct via_spec *spec = codec->spec; hda_nid_t conn[8]; int i, nums;
if (nid == spec->aa_mix_nid) { if (!with_aa_mix) return false; with_aa_mix = 2; /* mark aa-mix is included */ }
nums = snd_hda_get_connections(codec, nid, conn, ARRAY_SIZE(conn)); for (i = 0; i < nums; i++) { if (get_wcaps_type(get_wcaps(codec, conn[i])) != AC_WID_AUD_OUT) continue; if (conn[i] == target_dac || is_empty_dac(codec, conn[i])) { <--- calls is_empty_dac, but spec->multiout.num_dacs not set here /* aa-mix is requested but not included? */ if (!(spec->aa_mix_nid && with_aa_mix == 1)) goto found; } } if (depth >= MAX_NID_PATH_DEPTH) return false; for (i = 0; i < nums; i++) { unsigned int type; type = get_wcaps_type(get_wcaps(codec, conn[i])); if (type == AC_WID_AUD_OUT) continue; if (__parse_output_path(codec, conn[i], target_dac, with_aa_mix, path, depth + 1)) goto found; } return false;
found: path->path[path->depth] = conn[i]; path->idx[path->depth] = i; if (nums > 1 && get_wcaps_type(get_wcaps(codec, nid)) != AC_WID_AUD_MIX) path->multi[path->depth] = 1; path->depth++; return true; }
static int via_auto_fill_dac_nids(struct hda_codec *codec) { struct via_spec *spec = codec->spec; const struct auto_pin_cfg *cfg = &spec->autocfg; int i, dac_num; hda_nid_t nid;
spec->multiout.dac_nids = spec->private_dac_nids; dac_num = 0; for (i = 0; i < cfg->line_outs; i++) { hda_nid_t dac = 0; nid = cfg->line_out_pins[i]; if (!nid) continue; if (parse_output_path(codec, nid, 0, 0, &spec->out_path[i])) dac = spec->out_path[i].path[0]; if (!i && parse_output_path(codec, nid, dac, 1, &spec->out_mix_path)) dac = spec->out_mix_path.path[0]; if (dac) { spec->private_dac_nids[i] = dac; <---- should be, IMHO, spec->private_dac_nids[dac_num] instead dac_num++; } } if (!spec->out_path[0].depth && spec->out_mix_path.depth) { spec->out_path[0] = spec->out_mix_path; spec->out_mix_path.depth = 0; } spec->multiout.num_dacs = dac_num; <--- sets spec->multiout.num_dacs ONLY at end of search, do is_empty_dac always returns true during search return 0; }
Resuming ;
1) during scan, the spec->multiout.num_dacs is taken as the number of already used DACs, but this is updated jut at END of scan, so during scan the first DAC is always taken. 2) spec->private_dac_nids[i] = dac; should be spec->private_dac_nids[dac_num++] = dac; the 'continue' statement above can leave some holes of uninitializad data in spec->private_dac_nids. 3) spec->multiout.num_dacs sould be updated on EACH dac found, not just at end, otherwise you've got the problem at point 1
The patch I posted on former post is incomplete (don't solve the 'holes' due to continue statement), so it should be rewritten. If you mean, I can do it correctly on next days.