Alex <lee188 <at> singnet.com.sg> writes:
Hi Daniel et al,
I have successfully interfaced the sdr-widget with Linux alsa-driver for ASYNC OUT with rate feedback. Found out after much trial and error and reading of the usbaudio alsa-driver source code that you are using 12.13 as the format for the feedback rate !!! I was trying with 10.14 (UAC1 v1.2 specs , I think) in 3 bytes, and 16.16 (USB 2.0) in 4 bytes for quite a number of days with no success !!!
However, 12.13 in 4 bytes, whilst working like a charm with Linux, does NOT work with OSX.
Would you know the format used by OSX?
Hi Daniel et al,
This is an excerpt from: http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/AppleUSBAudio/AppleUSBAudio- 273.4.1/AppleUSBAudioStream.cpp
============================================================== associatedEndpoint.type = kUSBIsoc; associatedEndpoint.direction = kUSBIn; // The associated endpoint always goes "in" // The sample rate should be either a 3-byte 10.14 or a 4-byte 16.16 associatedEndpoint.maxPacketSize = mFeedbackPacketSize; associatedEndpoint.interval = 0xFF; mAssociatedPipe = mStreamInterface->FindNextPipe (NULL, &associatedEndpoint); FailWithAction (NULL == mAssociatedPipe, result = kIOReturnError, Exit); ===============================================================